Unleashed ; Krisiun ; One Man Army & The Undead Quartet ; Sacrificium

Heiligenwiesen 6
70327 Stuttgart-Wangen
Tel: +49 (0)711 - 409 82 90
"We Rock The Social"
VÖ Deutschland: 06.06.2008
VÖ UK & Europa: 09.06.2008
VÖ USA/Canada: 10.06.2008
UNLEASHED"Hammer Battalion"
CD Cat. Nr.: 92292
Format : CD
Genre: Death Metal
Johnny Hedlund - Gesang/Bass
Fredrik - Lead Gitarre
Tomas - Rhythmus Gitarre
Anders - Schlagzeug
29.03. Lichtenfels (D) @ RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL (Headlining)
30.05. Zagreb (CRO) @ ZAGREB METAL FEST
31.05. Belgrade (SER) @ LEGACY FESTIVAL
13.06. Hünxe (D) @ DEATH FEAST FESTIVAL (Headlining)
25.07. Obersinn (D) @ EISENWAHN FESTIVAL (Headlining)
„Durchschlagend heftig und unangefochten in ihrem Genre, Unleashed sind stärker denn je.” – Zero Tolerance
“Die frischen, knirschenden Riffs und treibenden Beats ebnen den Weg für ein besonderes und einmaliges Raumgefühl, und wenn Frontmann Johnny Hedlund singt ‘Death Metal – no compromise!’, dann weißt du, dass du dich in der Gegenwart von echten Kriegern befindest.” – Metal Hammer UK
Nach der Veröffentlichung von “Midvinterblot” im Jahre 2006, machten Unleashed sich auf den Weg durch Europa und Nordamerika, um ihren hymnischen Death Metal all den Kriegern auf beiden Kontinenten zu zeigen. Und die Saga setzt sich mit “Hammer Battalion”, ihrem neuen epischen Studioalbum, fort.
Gepriesen als Mitbegründer des schwedischen Death Metal, verbreiten UNLEASHED die Viking Death Metal Message nun schon für fast 20 Jahre, und Valhalla ist noch immer weit entfernt. Mit jedem Album wächst die Message, und nun im Jahre 2008 – werden die Hammer Battalions gebildet. Der Kampf für Metal geht weiter, Unleashed haben ihre Streitäxte erhoben und sind bereit nach vorne zu stürmen. Wie Johnny Hedlund sagt, “Wir werden das Kommando über unser Leben übernehmen und uns an die Arbeit machen. Unsere Musik ist eine Lebensart.”
- Unleashed WACHSEN!!!! Die Verkäufe steigen, sie touren mehr und mehr , und ihre Fangemeinde wird größer und größer mit jedem Album!!!
- Ihr letztes Album “Midvinterblot” erlangte weltweit die Zustimmung der Medien und schaffte es in Leserpolls und Magazinen als eines der besten Alben `06/`07 genannt zu werden!
- Unleashed ist eine der einflussreichsten Bands im Death Metal Genre!
- Das neue Album bietet etwas vom besten, aggressiven Death Metal seit Jahren!
20-Seiten Booklet inklusive aller Songtexte sowie einer Track für Track Beschreibung von Johnny!
“Southern Storm” dawns upon us and is destined to set ablaze the entire extreme metal scene with untamed fury and deadly precision! Integrity, brutality, and an undying fervour for the uncompromising and unrelenting art of pure f**king death metal is what has kept the Brazilian three-piece going for more than 15 years! With their seventh studio album, “Southern Storm”, the hyperspeed brothers prove once again that they are as unstoppable, violent and dedicated as ever.
Over the past years KRISIUN have earned a legendary worldwide reputation due to their constant touring activities, and been lauded with the highest praise and respect ever since their beginnings in 1990. After the much-lauded predecessor “AssassiNation” (2006), “Southern Storm” continues in the sonic tradition the band’s rabid fan-base loves since day one: ferocious high-speed blasting, infectious double bass-driven grooves, razor-sharp ripping, devastating leads and a unique feel for combining catchiness with sheer perfect technicality.
Once again, KRISIUN chose to work with producer Andy Classen (who already worked with the band on 1999’s “Conquerors Of Armageddon” and “AssassiNation”) at the Stage One Studio in Germany resulting in an organic, powerful and scathing sound that turns tracks like the massive opener “Slaying Steel”, “Combustion Infernal” (which starts off with a hell of a riff!) or the band’s rendition of the Sepultura classic “Refuse/Resist” into crushing death metal hits!
In the field of death metal you will hardly find a band today as consistent and stable in terms of quality and conviction as KRISIUN, successfully ignoring trends and fads. Since the beginning this unholy trio makes sure that death metal NEVER dies!
It all started in 2004.
Johan began writing songs for a demo that were supposed to be his solo act.
Mikael Lagerblad and Valle Adzic (Impious/Deadline studios) helped him out with both studio and solos. Johan himself played all the rhythm parts on the demo called “When hatred comes to life” and Valle all the bass. Then after all was said and done the demo was finished, and way over Johans expectations. This was too good to be held as a stupid solo project. Thoughts of a new band came to surface and Mikael and Valle joined the band. Not late after both Marek Dobrowolski and Pekka Kiviaho joined the band just in time to sign the contract which Johan just had received from Nuclear Blast.
In late 2005 the debut album “21st century killing machine” was recorded and released in january 2006 at the same time the band went out and did 40 shows with Children of Bodom in Europe. But now without bassist Valle Adzic who had decided not to stay with the band due to way too may obligations such as studio and other band. A new guy called Robert Axelsson is asked to join the band. He says yes and the band immediately feels stronger since everyone now can commit 110%.
1,5 sweaty months on the road and no rest until “The neckbreakers ball tour” This second tour included bands like Hypocrisy, Soilwork, Amorphis and Scar Symmetry and went on for 3 weeks.
The band supported their debut album throughout the whole year with festivals and finally their very own “X-Mas Mayhem” headlining tour during 2006/2007, also with a Christmas single called “Christmas for the lobotomizer” in their pockets.
Their second album “Error in evolution” was recorded just before the Christmas tour and released in March 2007.
An album with more experiments compared to “K-Machine”. Although some different elements it still got a very high status in the death metal community. A European tour with Gorefest was done in october as well as a couple of festival appearances.
Straight after the tour is complete the band feels that Pekka is drifting away from things and a discussion is held and they later on realises that they all of a sudden is one man short again. The man leaves because lack of motivation and a non interest for touring.
The band has almost a whole new album written and done when Pekka leaves. Luckily he hasn´t written a tune for the coming album so no harm done there. An add on the homepage saying “Guitarist wanted” makes 50 people applying for the job. Both Swedes and foreigners. A couple of weeks later the band gets in contact with Mareks buddy Mattias Bolander who also plays in Mareks other band “Reclusion”. The man is tested and prooved to be one hell of a guy. Mattias becomes an Army member on the stage in Norrköping on the 1st of March 2008.
The band is now stronger than ever and ready to record the next album….
On June 1st - 2008 the band enters Black Lounge studios in Avesta with producer Jonas Kjellgren to record their 3rd album entitled “Grim Tales”. With a brand new line up they make their finest effort so far. These 10 new tracks takes The Army to the next level without doubt.
Soundwise it totally crushes and songwise it wipes away your body like an atomic bomb.
3 months before the release the Army guys gets a phone call from Nuclear Blast. The first they say is that this is the absolute best album so far and then they get down to business. Without risking the album to drown in the middle of all the huge acts on Nuclear Blast, and not be acknowledged as the good album it is, they make a choice to release Grim Tales through licence on “Massacre records”in Europe . Both parts discusses this for a while but not long after the band agrees that this makes really good sense.
Now they have a great album that will have top priority on Massacre records and after getting to know this new label more, the band has an absolute awesome vibe towards it all.
24th of October is set for Grim Tales to be released and already now, 3 months before people talks about this being the best so far. A classic is being released. Don´t hesitate to order your copy.
Versatile, energetic and profound - without neglecting brutal linearity. That´s distinctive for Sacrificium from Stuttgart, Germany. A ten-year band history with many live appearances and quite a few line-up changes helped the band to achieve thier maturity. Founded in 1993 in Weinstadt as a thrash metal band, soon after they changed their style and since then they blast with might in the Death Metal vein. The first Demo CD was released in 1996 followed by the demo tape "Mortal Fear" in 1998 which was also spreed in the press.
In 2002 there was a major step forward with their first full lenght CD "Cold Black Piece Of Flesh" released on Whirlwind Records. Basically into the old school death metal vein but with a significant approach to the modern views if the genre, Sacrificium made clear how they would carry from that point.
That caught the attention of the press again (e.g. Rock Hard 2/2004 7.5/10 points) gradually building up a striking name for the death metal genre and supporting it with live shows everywhere they could. At Lives shows Sacrificium roll with precision, energy and emotions over the audience showing their experience on the stage. On several locations, small and big clubs and festivals throughout Germany and Europe they shared the stage with bands like "Extol" or "My Darkest Hate".
On the 28th of November 2005 the band released their new, second full length record "Escaping The Stupor" with Black Lotus Records. Followed by reviews (e.g. Rock Hard 7,5/10, Legacy 10/15, Metalnews.de 6/7) and interviews in the magazines around the globe.